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9 Ways The Freedom To Vote Act Would Strengthen Democracy

9 Ways the Freedom to Vote Act Would Strengthen Democracy

A Comprehensive Plan to Protect and Expand Voting Rights

The Freedom to Vote Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation that would make it easier for Americans to vote and protect their right to do so. The bill includes a number of provisions that would:

  • Create a permanent early voting list by requiring states to treat an application to vote by mail as valid for all future elections
  • Prevent states from purging voters from the rolls without a reasonable basis
  • Make it easier for voters to register to vote, including by allowing online registration
  • Expand access to early voting and same-day registration
  • Protect the right to vote by mail

The Freedom to Vote Act is a critical piece of legislation that would help to ensure that every American has the opportunity to participate in our democracy.

Additional Benefits of the Freedom to Vote Act

In addition to the provisions listed above, the Freedom to Vote Act also includes a number of other important measures, such as:

  • Public financing of elections to reduce the influence of money in politics
  • Automatic voter registration
  • Restrictions on partisan gerrymandering

The Freedom to Vote Act is a comprehensive and transformative piece of legislation that would strengthen our democracy and make it easier for Americans to vote.
